Microsoft Excel (2010)

How do I perform the basic functions of Microsoft Excel, such as Open, Save, and Print?

Click FILE on the upper left-hand corner. Under the FILE Menu, you will find the main Excel functions, such as: SAVE, SAVE AS, OPEN, CLOSE, NEW, and PRINT.

Is there a way to create shortcuts to these Excel functions?

Yes. Just above the HOME button is the QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR. You can customise this toolbar to display the shortcuts that you most frequently use from the list provided. If you click on the small down arrow on the edge of the toolbar, a list of the most common shortcuts are displayed. You can choose shortcuts from this list or if you want a more in-depth selection, click on the MORE COMMANDS option. You can then add more shortcuts from the window that pops up.

What is the Ribbon?

The Ribbon runs along the top of the application window and is the replacement for the menus and toolbars that were commonplace in previous versions of Microsoft Excel. The Ribbon has several tabs and each tab has its own groups of commands. The HOME tab is where the most common Excel formatting takes place, such as changing fonts, paragraph alignment, and line spacing. But if, for example, you wanted to insert a graphic or table into your document, you would click on the INSERT tab.

How do I hide or show the Ribbon?

Hold down the CTRL key and press the F1 key to toggle the display of the Ribbon.

How can I save my files to make sure they are compatible with older versions of Excel?

If you would like to save your file in a format that is compatible with earlier versions of Office, click the FILE button. Choose SAVE AS and select EXCEL 97-2003 from the SAVE AS TYPE drop-down.

How do I get help within Excel?

Press the F1 key to open the Microsoft Help Application.

How do I run a Spelling and Grammar check on my spreadsheet?

Click on the REVIEW tab. Then, click on the SPELLING button within the PROOFING command group. The Spelling dialogue box will be displayed when a misspelled word is encountered. You can manually correct the word, replace it from the list of suggested words, ignore it, or add the word to the custom dictionary.

How do I resize a column?

To change the width of one column, drag the boundary on the right side of the column heading until the column is the width that you want.

To change column(s) to adjust the width automatically based on the contents, select the column or columns that you want to change. From the HOME tab, click FORMAT from the CELLS group. Click AUTOFIT COLUMN WIDTH under CELL SIZE.

How do I wrap the text within a cell?

Select the cells that you want to format. From the HOME tab, click WRAP TEXT from the ALIGNMENT group.

I can’t find a feature that I used in Excel 2003 or Excel 2007, how do I find it?

Microsoft has developed an interactive referencing guide to help you find your favorite Excel 2003 or Excel 2007 commands in Excel 2010. With this guide, you can point your mouse to an Excel 2003 or Excel 2007 menu or button and see where that feature is now located. You can also use the HELP feature to find out how to do a specific task in Excel 2010.

How do I add a new worksheet?

Click the INSERT WORKSHEET tab next to the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen to add a new worksheet.

How do I delete a worksheet?

Right-click on the sheet you want to delete. Then, select DELETE from the contextual menu that appears.

How do I rename a worksheet?

Double-click on the sheet tab for the worksheet you want to rename. Type a new name for the worksheet and press ENTER.

Microsoft PowerPoint (2010)

How do I perform the basic functions of Microsoft PowerPoint, such as Open, Save, and Print?

If you look at the top of the screen, you will find the main PowerPoint functions, such as: FILE, HOME, INSERT, DESIGN, TRANSITIONS, ANIMATIONS, SLIDE SHOW, and REVIEW. Under FILE you will have options to save, save as, open, close, open recent, new, print, save and send, help, options and exit. INFO will give information about the versions, permissions and preparing and sharing.

Is there a way to create shortcuts to these PowerPoint functions?

Yes. Right Click in any empty gray space and select CUSTOMISE QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR. You can customise this toolbar to display the shortcuts that you most frequently use from the list provided. If you click on the small down arrow on the edge of the toolbar, a list of the most common shortcuts are displayed. You can choose shortcuts from this list also.

Are there any templates for PowerPoint presentations that I can use?

Yes. If you click on the DESIGN tab, you will see a THEMES command group. Within this command group, you will see a row of boxes, which are templates. When you scroll your mouse pointer over them, you will see a live preview of what they will look like on your current slide. All you need to do to apply a template is click on it. If you look to the right side of the row of templates, you will notice up and down arrows which let you scroll through more templates. There is also an option to browse and download even more templates online.

What are the different ways that I can view my slides?

Your slides can be viewed one of three ways. The Normal view is the main editing view where you write and design your presentation. The Slide Sorter view displays your slides in thumbnail form to allow you to move or reorder the slides. The Slide Show view takes up the full computer screen like an actual presentation. This is how your audience will view your presentation. When you click the Slide Show view button, your presentation starts at the active slide rather than from the beginning of the presentation. Press the F5 key to start your presentation from the beginning.

How do I run a Spelling and Grammar check on my presentation?

Click on the REVIEW tab. Then, click on the SPELLING button within the PROOFING command group. The Spelling dialogue box will be displayed when a misspelled word is encountered. You can manually correct the word, replace it from the list of suggested words, ignore it, or add the word to the custom dictionary.

How do I insert a graph into my presentation?

Click on INSERT then Click on CHART ICON it will open up a window with several options of different types of charts and graphs. This will also open up Excel which will allow you to edit and re-size the graph. By using SmartArt, you have the ability to graphically illustrate lists, processes, cycles, hierarchies, relationships, etc.

How do I start and navigate through my presentation?

You can start your slideshow either by clicking on the FROM BEGINNING button on the SLIDE SHOW tab or you can start the presentation by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard. The best way to navigate from slide to slide is to click the mouse button. However, you can also move around within the Slide Show using the keyboard. Press the SPACEBAR, DOWN ARROW, or RIGHT ARROW key to move to the next slide. Press the PAGE UP or LEFT ARROW key to go back to the previous slide. You can also press the ESC key to end the presentation at any time.

Can I save my PowerPoint 2010 presentation as a Word file?

Yes. Click the FILE menu, select SAVE and SEND then choose CREATE HANDOUTS and click the CREATE HANDOUTS button on the right. On the dialogue box that opens, select any of the five page layouts and click OK.

What is the Ribbon?

The Ribbon runs along the top of the application window. The Ribbon has several tabs and each tab has its own groups of commands. The HOME tab is where the most common PowerPoint formatting takes place, such as changing fonts, paragraph alignment, and line spacing. But if, for example, you wanted to insert a graphic or table into your document, you would click on the INSERT tab.

Microsoft Publisher (2010)

How do I create a text box with columns in Publisher 2010?

Right-click on the text box that you want to change. Then, click FORMAT TEXT BOX. Click the TEXT BOX tab, and then click COLUMNS. Select the number of columns you want in the NUMBERS box. Click OK twice.

How do I create a Drop Cap formatting style to emphasize the first word in a paragraph?

The Dropped Capital Letter formatting style, also known as Drop Cap, is usually used for the first letter of the word beginning a paragraph. To create a drop cap, click anywhere in the paragraph you want to change. Click DROP CAP from the FORMAT menu. Click the DROP CAP or CUSTOM DROP CAP tab. Then, select the options you want. The custom style is added to the available drop caps list on the DROP CAP tab, when you create a custom drop cap.

Can a story that begins in a text box on one page in a newsletter continue throughout text boxes across multiple pages of the newsletter?

Yes. You can connect the text boxes of the story so the text will flow from one text box to another, even across multiple pages. Create at least two text boxes. Click in the text box you want to be the first text box in the story. Click CREATE TEXT BOX LINK from the CONNECT TEXT BOXES toolbar. The mouse pointer will change to a pitcher. Click in the text box you want to be the next in the story. This text box is now connected to the first box and any text in the overflow now appears in the next box. To connect more text boxes to the story, add new text boxes to your newsletter and click the CREATE TEXT BOX LINK as you navigate from one text box to another.

How do I change the margins inside a text box?

Right-click on a text box, and then click FORMAT TEXT BOX. In the dialog box, click the TEXT BOX tab. Type or select the margins you want for Left, Right, Top, and Bottom from the TEXT BOX MARGINS. Then, click OK.

How can I change the default tab stop in a text box?

Click in a text box. Click TABS from the FORMAT menu. Enter the distance that you want between tab stops in the DEFAULT TAB STOPS box. Click SET for each new tab stop distance, and then click OK. All new text boxes created in the publication will use these tab stops.

Microsoft Word (2010)

How do I perform the basic functions of Microsoft Word, such as Open, Save, and Print?

If you click the FILE tab at the top left of the Microsoft Word window, you will find the main Word functions, such as: New, Save, Save As, Open, Close, and Print.

Is there a way to create shortcuts to these Word functions?

Yes. Above the File tab is the Quick Access Toolbar. You can customise this toolbar to display the shortcuts that you most frequently use from the list provided. If you click on the small down arrow on the edge of the toolbar, a list of the most common shortcuts are displayed. You can choose shortcuts from this list or if you want a more in-depth selection, click on the MORE COMMANDS option. You can then add more shortcuts from the window that pops up.

What is the Ribbon?

The Ribbon runs along the top of the application window and is the replacement for the menus and toolbars that were commonplace in previous versions of Microsoft Word. The Ribbon has several tabs and each tab has its own groups of commands. The Home tab is where the most common Word formatting takes place, such as changing fonts, paragraph alignment, and line spacing. But if, for example, you wanted to insert a graphic or table into your document, you would click on the INSERT tab.

How do I insert a table into a Word document?

To insert a table into your document, navigate to the part of the document where you want the table to appear. Once there, click on the INSERT tab on the Ribbon. Then, click the TABLE button. A drop-down menu will extend that will let you insert an on-the-fly table (where you highlight the grid on the menu with the number of rows/columns that you require), a custom table (where you choose the Insert Table option), or a quick table (where you select a table template from the Quick Table menu).

How do I insert page numbers into my multipage document?

Click on the INSERT tab on the Ribbon. In the Header & Footer command group, click on the PAGE NUMBER button. From the drop-down menu that extends, you can choose where you want the page numbers to display on the page and whether you want them to be centred or aligned left or right. You may also choose different numbering formats, such as Roman numerals, by clicking on the FORMAT PAGE NUMBERS option.

I have a Microsoft Word document with a .docx extension at the end and I can’t open it. I am running Microsoft Word 2003. What should I do?

Files with a .docx extension have been created in Microsoft Word 2007 or a later version. In order to view and edit these files, you need to install either Microsoft Office 2007 or higher, or the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. You can download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack free of charge from the Microsoft Download Center.

I am using Microsoft Word 2010 and I would like to save a document as a PDF file. Is this possible?

Yes. Click on the FILE tab at the top left of Microsoft Word. Then, click on the little arrow to the right of Save As. In the Save as type list, if you see a PDF option, then your computer already has the add-in for this function and you can save your file as a PDF by selecting that option. If you see a Find add-ins for other file formats option, then click on that as it means that you need to install the add-in.

Note: You will need Internet access as a download is required. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the add-in. Once this has been completed, you will be able to save in PDF format.

How do I change the default font in Word 2010?

The default font in Word 2010 is Calibri and the default font size is 11 point. To change the default font, click the FONT dialog box launcher on the Font group under the Home tab. Then, click the FONT tab within the dialog box. Select the font options that you want to apply to the default font. Click the DEFAULT button at the bottom of the dialog box, and then click YES. The next time you open a new document in Word 2010, you will see your changes.

How do I encrypt a document Office 2010?

Here are the steps necessary to encrypt a file in Office 2010:

  1. Click on FILE, INFO, PROTECT DOCUMENT (Protect Workbook if using Excel), and then ENCRYPT WITH PASSWORD, see below:
  2. Enter the password you would like to be used to open the document. You will need to enter the password again to confirm it.
  3. Be sure to save the document once you have set the password. From this point on, whenever you or anyone attempts to open the document, Office will prompt for the password you set in the previous steps:


Please Note: If you encrypt and password protect a document using the above steps and lose the password,  McGrandles IT Solutions  cannot help you recover the contents of the file.